Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Greg Brewer has been spending some time back in his homeland in the maritimes of New Brunswick away from Vancouver for a bit now. Since no ones heard or seen the man in quite sometime, he decided to send us a couple photos and a blog update. We all hope to see you soon Greg!

Greg backsmithing for the east coast der buy
For the last few months since my great escape from Vancouvers life of skating as much as possible, drinking on the beach, and just plain NOT freezing my ass off. I've been trying my hardest to get up to no good on the East coast. Fredericton New Brunswick is the location. It's a great place to visit but it's packed with 8 foot tall snow banks and every road coverd in black ice. Getting to the liquor store and back safely gives you something to celebrate. You could emagine the celebration after driving in a white out for 3 hours both ways just to skate indoors while it's -40 degrees outside. No shortage of places to play pond hockey though! For now the snow has melted and summer is digging it's claws into our frost bitten ground. I've been out canoeing and camping already, traveld to a few surrounding cities on skate trips with the homies, drivin dirt bikes for the first time. And after a hard fought battle. Finaly learnt late shuv's from an East Coast legond himself, Matt Craig. Thats my update. Time to skate!

Greg three flippin away!