Wednesday, April 15, 2009
world travelin
Kevin Lowry has been traveling the world over the past couple years. This kid takes every single opportunity that comes his way to go somewhere new to skate!...and yet again since hes been in Barcelona for roughly 3 months traveling around, he is still pleasing the Canadian magazines constantly. Here yet again in a Brian Caissie Barcelona article, Kevin comes through with a heft looking bank to lipslide pop out. Now go to your local skateshop and pick this issue of Concrete Skateboarding up now!
On another note, just a reminder that if you are in Whistler this friday, come down and check out Color Magazines Skate and Deploy contest as you already know Chad Dickson, Dustin Montie and Lee Saunders are entered and will be in attendance. If you Haven't checked out the website today, there is a pole with chads name on the list to vote for you do you think is gonna win, now go vote away!