Last Thursday at the Bourbon Night Club, S&J sales teamed up with Color Magazine and Blastramp Thursdays to Premier Organika Skateboards newest video release, Zach and Walker's Concrete Jungle. All in all the bar was a full house, the drinks were flowing and it was a great night! We would like to extend our thanx to everyone that came out show support and have a great night!

Some people definately took advantage of the drink specials.

We would have to say the night was a success since you could barely move in the bar

Deso and Spenny makin their appearances supporting their kayo brothers!

Even the ladies made it out to show some support.

Plenty of ladies!!!

The Handouts! Everyone that got their lucky hands on a copy were very hyped!

Some people decided to make some art out of the free stickers that got handed out!
If you have facebook, than click here for more photos of the evening.