After a heavy, heavy week of long day and nights of skating and having fun, the "skate with the expedition team" arrived on saturday. Unfortunately the guys didnt skate terribly much, being they were all super beat from street skating all week. But everyone got to meet some of their favorite pros, win some free gear and have a good time.
P.s. Ask Welsh about his game of skate with Wade if you get a chance..

All in all, the trip was a success! The team went home with lots of footage and photos throughout the trip. All the Canadian riders got to meet and hangout with their American counterparts for a week and everyone just got to have a lot of fun skating this past week. All the guys cant wait to come back to Vancouver as soon as they get their next possible chance. There was an afterparty at shine nightclub after the event so check back soon for a couple more photos of that.
Thanx to everyone who came out to the event and supported!!!!