S&J's east coast Krooked representer, Seb Labbe absolutely killing it! Check out his part from Jeremy Elkins recent release, LO DEF. You will not be dissappointed!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
dWell, the rain is definitely pouring in Vancouver, and its getting colder everywhere else. Here is a video part of Ryan Bonnell taken from the Underattack series.
Definitely Missing the dry pavement!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Like we said before, it's gonna take a lot more than just a truck to take Chad down. He was released from the hospital yesterday without having to receive surgery after all. He is going to be spending a lot of time at home in the next little while recovering, but things are looking up. He has to get fitted for a special cast for his arm, but its probably better than getting surgery in the end. Again, if you would like to pass him on a message to help keep his head up and positive, get him at his facebook page. More updates to come as they come up.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
we would like to wish him the best from everyone at S&J
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
For this weeks team footage installment, we have found a clip of Krooked rider Seb Labbe killing a zip zinger set up at his local indoor spot along with what looks to be S&J Dgk rider Mitch Barrett and Element Canada's
Brandon Delbianco
Brandon Delbianco
Monday, November 17, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
It has been awhile since anything has been posted up here, mainly due to the fact that fall is on its way in. So we figured we would throw a couple videos of our guys up that had been thrown online over time.
First up Kevin Lowry spent some time in New York this summer, here is a short bit of footage he came up with.
Unfortunately Greg Brewer Wrecked his knee early this year during the Bring it to the Streets contest in Vancouver. He is back up skating now and is workin hard on his knee getting stronger. Here is a video part that alot of people havent seen from back in the meritames before the big move to Vancouver.
Last but not least for todays entry, is S&J team new comer Lil' Will Marshal. This little guy has been ripping for years and now is riding for spitfire. Here is a quick clip of will puttin it down!
First up Kevin Lowry spent some time in New York this summer, here is a short bit of footage he came up with.
Unfortunately Greg Brewer Wrecked his knee early this year during the Bring it to the Streets contest in Vancouver. He is back up skating now and is workin hard on his knee getting stronger. Here is a video part that alot of people havent seen from back in the meritames before the big move to Vancouver.
Last but not least for todays entry, is S&J team new comer Lil' Will Marshal. This little guy has been ripping for years and now is riding for spitfire. Here is a quick clip of will puttin it down!
Monday, October 6, 2008
photos courtesy of City of Newlights
Spenny enjoys that plum brandy

New Friends!

skate plaza

montie checkin the stairs at a university spot

the StuntB skate team/tour guides

Sascha, edson, montie, danilo

Montie and Danilo pre spending winnings

Mickys got fans worldwide!

one of the many night time views we had

Spenny being Canadian on the subway

The crew gets dressed up in traditional Korean attire with a spice of Canadian added to it

Peter and Montie after the contest

After celebrating our final placings and just being in Korea, the night ended with some broken glass going through my shoe into my foot, which bled everywhere. With Jarvis' help, we managed to get that all fixed up with out stitches and got ourselves to sleep.
The morning came with yet another 6 hour sleep (no one slept more than 6 hours a night the whole trip). We had a last complimentary breakfast, collected our gift bags for competing and were on the bus to the airport heading to the capital city, Seoul Korea.
In Korea, traditionally the kids live with their parents until they are married, thus being the case, when kids are young and don't have a place to do their romantic deals, they go to these "love motels" which are surrounding the city for approximately $30 a night. Can you guess where we stayed? You can only imagine the funny odd looks we got from locals when 3 white GUYS came walking out of our motel together. Motel Rich had alot of things shoved into this tiny room, like a 40 inch plasma, a computer, a nice bed, a big bathroom which could've served as another bedroom, and a tiny floor that Micky got they pleasure of sleeping on and 3 guys worth of luggage. That meant myself and Spenny got to share the love bed(the bed was terribly uncomfortable).
Once we finally got situated, we went out to check out the local area and get some food. Thankfully we found a place where the host was forgiving enough to deal with white people that had no idea what they were doing with the food. This was our first real traditional meal that we got to eat. It was cooked on a hot plate in the middle of our table, got free bottles of coke and no real idea of what we really ate but it was tasty.
After the food situation was taken care of, we headed off to Rami's (jarvis' girlfriend) good friends bar which was about a 30 min train ride away. Being you are allowed to drink in public out there, it was a must that us canadians grab some road pops for the train. Definately something we are not used to at home and were fully ready to take advantage of.
The rest of the night was a great time! Peter, the guy who basically set everything up for us to be flown out for the event down in Busan, and his friends along with some people that we had met at one time or another were in Vancouver, were out. So being I won some money in Busan, I couldn't resist buying a bottle of Moet to share around with everyone in thanks and gratefulness of getting us there. After the Champagne, shots of tequila, the plum brandy, beer, and jeigor shots, we finally ended that portion of the night with a song of "if ya gotta get er done" and headed back to the area of our hotel to have a final night cap at Bar X and call it a night.
Needless to say the next day and our only real day to explore the city and street skate, we were definitely feeling a tad rough from the night before. We got some food and a tonne of water in us, we were on our way. This city is absolutely huge! the StunTB skateboard team guided us to 3-4 of the best spots that any of us have ever seen before. You will find nothing of this quality in Canada. the first spot was a skate plaza, that looks kinda street but is technically a skatepark. It had rails, ledges, water gaps, boxes that have been brought in and granite brick ground. After My board took its second swim, we were off to the next spot. The next spot was a perfect 8 set with a 2 block off the side, which Spencer and Micky proceeded to kill for a few hours. The second spot was the best marble manny pad that i think any of us have ever skated. This was the type of manny that had smooth run up as it is, no slip marble that actually picked up speed once you got on. Everyone got something rounded up a trick here, than we were off for one more spot to finish off the evening. The next spot was this huge metal circle sculpture thing that Sascha Steindhorst(world cub of skateboarding judge) had told me about before we headed to Seoul. This thing is easily 50 feet high that you can completely skate as a fullpipe. With the downtown city background around it, it made for a good photo spot. Being there was another spot on the other side of this building, some locals had spotted us skating and came over to watch. In the end we got to meet and greet with them, take a couple photos and even help out on a trick or two for them. It was a good deal!
Once everyone was finally too exhausted to skate anymore, we headed down to another part of town and found a Korean barbeque spot. The best part about this situation was, some of the restaurants have "pickers" who stand out in the alley and try to persuade you to come and eat in their restaurant. I have experienced these types of persuasions before, but NOTHING like this. Everyone of us(except our local guides) thought these dudes were seriously gonna start shoving each other or even start swinging punches. All i could think about are the crazy photos of people at the stock market exchange going nuts buying their stocks. These three dudes were seriously trying to get us into their restaurant.
Once we finished dinner, Jarvis and Rami went off on their own way to spend their last night together, Micky went back to the hotel to chill and Spencer and myself with Yop as our guide did what any other Canadian would do on their last night of a great trip. Go drink with the locals. With out even knowing it, we ended up in the same part of town as Sonju's bar again, so we went back again for a couple drinks to say goodbye and thank her for the party we had there the night before. After that we went to this park where the locals with not alot to do or don't want to go to the bar go to chill, drink, hang out etc. We got there and there was a lady holding down a little market selling stuff to no one buying, a small group of guys hanging in a circle with one of them playing Nirvana and us getting harrassed by a very drunk guy. It was a fun time though, random drunk guys and girls try to skate our boards and give us a pretty good laugh at the same time we help them to stay on our boards. We don't wanna see them going to the hospital. 430am rolls around and we decide to finally get out of there back to the motel. Myself and Spencer both give our guide Yup our set ups out of thanks for showing us such a great time in his country.
The last and final couple hours we had before we had to rush to the airport, we decided we would go check out some of the underground mall that runs along the 100s of miles of subway lines. These things seriously never end. We walked in a straight line, atleast we thought so, walked back to where we came in and what do you know, we were lost. Thats how nuts these things are. We all bought a few last souvenirs etc and headed back, but not without thinking we lost someone. Micky stepped over to another shop for a second without telling anyone and sure enough we all freaked out thinking we lost the kid. His mother would not be happy! We headed back to the hotel got our stuff and got out of there. Our van cab, was a limo van. it was impressive. It actually had better seats than our flights did, which was kind of depressing once we got onto our flight later that afternoon. We had roughly an hour drive, which meant a last bit of time to take photos and reminisce the week that had passed for to quick now that it was over.
We filled all our duty free needs got on our flight, popped a couple gravol and that was that, we were in Vancouver before we knew it. It was depressing getting back into Vancouver. You always think its a busy city till you finally go somewhere that is ACTUALLY 10 times busier, bigger, and more built than Vancouver. Each and every one of us had a great time and cannot wait to go back there given the opportunity.
We have to thank Jarvis, Rami, Peter and everyone else we cannot name right now for getting us to Korea for this amazing adventure that we will soon not forget!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Here are 2 quick videos that have taken a minute to get put up. The first is the Underworlds Summer Ends Skate Jam at the Vancouver Skate plaza.
And the second video is from a quick video shot from the stands in Busan, Korea of the contest Spencer, Dustin and Micky competed in.
There should be another post with the rest of the updates regarding the Korea adventure with a full photo post with in the next couple days so make sure you keep checking back.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Just a quick update from Korea. Still dont have any of the photos uploaded to the computers yet, but between Spencer and Jarvis, there are TONNES of photos to come. Today the Finals for the contest happend. Myself (dustin) and Spencer both made the finals. Spencer came out in 8th place and I came out in 4th place making $1000 U.S. cash!!!! Sorry if this message is confusing but out of celebration I bought the room a bottle of whisky called Something Special!! Keep checking back as we are heading to seoul tomorrow for the last couple days of our trip and I promise there will be tonnes of photos to check out!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
After 24 hours of being awake, an 11 1/2 hour flight with a 2 1/2 hour layover to get on another 1 hour flight to getting on another 1 hour bus ride, myself Dustin Montie, Spencer Hamilton, Micky Papa and Jarvis Nygelsky have finally made it to Busan South Korea for the Busan Tre X Games! The hotel came to a big surprise for us as we walked in the room and saw no beds but in Korea's older ways you put down a cot style mattress on the floor, which really isnt the most comfrotable thing in the world but I guess we can't really complain when we aren't paying for the room ourselves.
Today is our first day in. We have street practice this afternoon to check out the course which is hte course for bmx and rollerblading, so we have no idea whatsoever to expect. I will keep posting throughout the trip. I have no photos at this second to uplaod but keep checking back as we are taking photos non stop and I will be posting a bunch along the trip!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
If you go and check out the new push.ca website, go check out the Maple Ridge opening day montage in the video section and you will find some Chad Dickson and Dustin Montie among others doing their thing at one of Vancouvers newest amazing creations!
Speaking of Chad, today is his bday so go over to his Facebook or Myspace page and hit him up with a happy bday!
He's come along way since this was taken!
Speaking of Chad, today is his bday so go over to his Facebook or Myspace page and hit him up with a happy bday!

He's come along way since this was taken!
Chad on the Expedition blog

Cruising the Expedion-one skateboards blog, they had posted up Chad Dicksons recent photo in the new SBC, nollie flipping a downtown vancouver double set. Head over there and check out what else they have to offer. Make sure you pick up a copy and also check out our Blueprint rider, Kevin Lowry, as he has a sick backsmith photo in contents section aswell as another in a London article! Mitch Barret came through with a pivot to fakie on a natural halfpipe that looks like a fullpipe broken in half. shit is sick!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Chad Dicksons part from Bigger and Better Things was found on youtube and we figured we would share it with you. If you have not seen it, than make sure you check it! Chads been on a mission lately filming for the City of New Lights project and believe us when we say you can't wait to see what he has been coming up with!!!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Rip Zinger Photoshow and Book Launch
This past saturday, Underworld Vancouver had their final contest of their summer contest series down at the plaza, the Summer Ends Skate Jam. Unfortunately we dont have any photos or video available at this second, but we would like to give shout outs to our team riders, Dustin Montie, Ryan Bonnell, Chad Dickson and Spencer Hamilton who all skated super hard and came out with a chunk of that $2000 that was being givin out throughout the day on different obstacles. Check back soon for video and photos of the event!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
If you havent checked out www.push.ca yet go check it. Our very own rider Ryan Bonnell comes up with a "Run it Back with Ryan Bonnell". Here's the link, now go check it!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Mitch Barrett in MTL!
Another big contest that passed this past weekend was the DC Nationals. We would like to give a shoutout to Mitch Barrett who come through with a 4th place spot and took $1000 with him back to Ottawa!!!! Check back soon for photos.
Another weekend has passed, and another Underworld contest has also wrapped up. This weekend was the "Lets Play Horse(s.k.a.t.e)" on the benches. The west coast guys were there trying their chances at the title. Chad Dickson definately put some serious tricks out, unfortunately got knocked out early. Ryan Bonnell was in the same situation as Chad with getting knocked out early. You would've never known, as he was smiling all day like he won the contest. Dustin Montie managed to work his way up through the rounds into the 3 way finals, but unfortunately was the first knocked out of that round ending up in 3rd place overall. The contest was super fun, the day got real nice and the skating was good. Overall, a good weekend.
Here are a few photos from the event care of Jesse Taylor as well as a video clip care of City of New Lights that covered the finals.
Here are a few photos from the event care of Jesse Taylor as well as a video clip care of City of New Lights that covered the finals.

Ryan Bonnell BS 180 Nosegrind

Ryan Bonnell Crooks

Chad Dickson switch Backtail

Chad Dickson Switch Tail

Dustin Montie Switch Smith
Friday, August 22, 2008
Here is the video from this years Bringing it to the Streets contests last weekend, care of city of new lights
Thursday, August 21, 2008
The S&J boys are doing a hell of a job this summer. This past weekend was the Rogers Wam at the Plaza in Winnepeg. Our youngbuck Justin Bassett and TJ Rogers both qualified for the finals. Unfortunately neither of them made top 8 to make any money, but with the heavy competition there was, they did a hell of a job to make it as far as they did. TJ Rogers did however come through to make some money in the end switch bigspin heeling the double set in the best trick contest!!!!
In Vancouver this past Sunday, it was Underworlds Bring it to the Streets contest. They took a bus all over for the day to various spots to "bring it to the streets". The contest was an amazing concept. Ryan Bonnell was ripping, however he was one of the judges so he did not get to take any prize money home, but both Spencer Hamilton and Dustin Montie came home a little bit richer! There will be a video posted within the next few days of the event.
As for this coming weekend, we have Kevin Lowry heading out to Montreal for the DC Nationals finals.
In Vancouver The Game of Horse on a bench is happening infront of Underworld saturday afternoon. We expect Chad Dickson, Dustin Montie, Ryan Bonnell and Spencer Hamilton to be out there doing there thing in hopes of becoming a little bit richer and coming home with the title.
Check back after the weekend to find out what happened over this coming weekend!
In Vancouver this past Sunday, it was Underworlds Bring it to the Streets contest. They took a bus all over for the day to various spots to "bring it to the streets". The contest was an amazing concept. Ryan Bonnell was ripping, however he was one of the judges so he did not get to take any prize money home, but both Spencer Hamilton and Dustin Montie came home a little bit richer! There will be a video posted within the next few days of the event.
As for this coming weekend, we have Kevin Lowry heading out to Montreal for the DC Nationals finals.
In Vancouver The Game of Horse on a bench is happening infront of Underworld saturday afternoon. We expect Chad Dickson, Dustin Montie, Ryan Bonnell and Spencer Hamilton to be out there doing there thing in hopes of becoming a little bit richer and coming home with the title.
Check back after the weekend to find out what happened over this coming weekend!
Monday, August 18, 2008
S&J Sales Co. Introduces New Team Rider

S&J Sales Co. are excited to introduce Chad Dickson to the team.
Chad has put out great video parts such as Yesterdays Future, Sophomore
Jinx in the recent past and is currently working on a new video part for the
City of New Lights project among other things in the works
In the past few years, Chad has made it hard not to notice him around
with the amount of coverage he has been producing and continuously
Chads skills, motivation and amazing personality has made it an easy
choice to add him to the team. We at S&J are proud to have him
representing Expedition One Skateboards.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Damn Am came through Vancouver this past weekend and the S&J riders managed to come through again in placings. Unfortunately TJ Rogers just missed the cut into the finals by two standing at 14th, Mitch Barrett came in at 11th place and Dustin Montie came out in 8th place in the end. Unfortunately it rained out so the finals didnt actually take place and this is what the guys qualified. We don't have any photos at this time but make sure to check out www.cityofnewlights.com for some photos of the event.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
And yet again Spencer does it again..! Win #3 for the lord of the lines contests this past weekend infront of underworld Vancouver. Congrats Spenny!! you truly are the lord of the lines!
Check www.cityofnewlights.com for more photo coverage.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
As we didnt have full results from the island of the ams contest last weekend in toronto. It turns out we had 2 of our riders in the top results taking home money! and they just happened to be back to back to one another....
Island of the Ams –Skateboard Contest Finals 1ST
($500): TJ ROGERS 5TH
Island of the Ams –Skateboard Contest Finals 1ST
($500): TJ ROGERS 5TH
Just wanted to give everyone a heads up on a team move that is coming very shortly on the west side of things. But you all have to wait just a minute longer to find out who, what, where and when!!!!
Monday, July 28, 2008
There has been a bit of a delay for these updates lately and unfortunately there are no photos at this time, but we want to give shout outs where they belong.
First off Am Getting Paid happened a couple weekends ago. A big congrats to the three S&J riders that made the finals! It was a tough battle to make it through the other 120 competitors to make it there. Check out www.amgettingpaid.com for photos and video coverage of the event.
Zoo York's AM Getting Paid 2008
Top 20 Final Results
1. Antoine Asselin ($5,000)
2. Ryan Decenzo ($2,000)
3. Chazz Ortiz ($1,000)
4. Andrew Langi
5. Dustin Blauvelt
6. Ron Deily
7. Spencer Hamilton
8. Steven Reeves
9. Magnus Hanson
10. Micky Papa
11. J-S Lapierre
12. Will Marshall
13. Lee Yankou
14. Anthony Shetler
15. Mitch Barette
16. Walker Ryan
17. Vincent Alvarez
18. Hugo Balek
19. TJ Rogers
20. Riley Boland
In other news, TJ Rogers won best trick at he Island of the Ams contest this past weekend in Toronto!!!..
Theres still another couple months left in these summer months with many more contests to keep an eye on our riders in! So keep checking back as we promise to have these updates at a speedier rate for your news vewing pleasures!
First off Am Getting Paid happened a couple weekends ago. A big congrats to the three S&J riders that made the finals! It was a tough battle to make it through the other 120 competitors to make it there. Check out www.amgettingpaid.com for photos and video coverage of the event.
Zoo York's AM Getting Paid 2008
Top 20 Final Results
1. Antoine Asselin ($5,000)
2. Ryan Decenzo ($2,000)
3. Chazz Ortiz ($1,000)
4. Andrew Langi
5. Dustin Blauvelt
6. Ron Deily
7. Spencer Hamilton
8. Steven Reeves
9. Magnus Hanson
10. Micky Papa
11. J-S Lapierre
12. Will Marshall
13. Lee Yankou
14. Anthony Shetler
15. Mitch Barette
16. Walker Ryan
17. Vincent Alvarez
18. Hugo Balek
19. TJ Rogers
20. Riley Boland
In other news, TJ Rogers won best trick at he Island of the Ams contest this past weekend in Toronto!!!..
Theres still another couple months left in these summer months with many more contests to keep an eye on our riders in! So keep checking back as we promise to have these updates at a speedier rate for your news vewing pleasures!
Monday, July 14, 2008
has just informed us at S&J that Spencer Hamilton is the lord of the toronto lines aswell!!! back to back wins for Spenny! Congrats!
aswell have a peek at some footage of Calgarys Kevin Lowry Nyc trip that he went on not too long ago.
We will have some photo updates very soon!
aswell have a peek at some footage of Calgarys Kevin Lowry Nyc trip that he went on not too long ago.
We will have some photo updates very soon!
Monday, July 7, 2008

In other contest news, Kevin Lowry walked away with 2nd place and an invite to the DC Nationals in Montreal on the 23rd! Good luck kev!!!!
The Word is in aswell Spencer hamilton has also collected some more money in the contest scene, winning the lord of hte lines contests in ottawa a week ago!!!!

Keep an eye out for more of our guys soon as there is Am getting paid in Montreal very soon with most of our boys going, and many events in the very near future!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Just wanted to pass a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Greg Brewer (Real, Thunder, Spitfire)!!! Unfortunately Greg wrecked his knee on go skateboarding day, so best of luck to a quick recovery. and good luck with the doctor tomorrow!!! We will be seeing you shredding again in no time!

In other team news Dustin Montie (Dgk, Gold,Venture) is heading up to Medicine Hat (home of boarding house) to give his shot at that big 5 grand up for grabs. Kevin Lowry (Blueprint) is still out in New York shredding away and doing his best to stay away from the "G" factor as he put it. Spencer Hamilton (expedition) is still doing his thing! Justin Bassett (Anti-Hero) is recovering his weak arm from the break awhile back, and getting back into that amazing bowl at the Winnepeg plaza!
More news to come, so check back soon!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Go Skateboarding day '08
This past Saturday the downtown Vancouver streets sounded like rolling thunder as 1000's of skateboarders skated their way from spot to spot to earn a couple bucks at each spot for tricks landed. Here are acouple photos of the day. To see more check out www.cityofnewlights.com
Greg Brewer (Real,Thunder, Spitfire) gettin paid with a very nice 3 flip down the blocks.
The huge crowd of skateboarders rolling through the streets of Vancouver.
Trevn and Montie enjoying the day
Spencer Hamilton (expedition) chills and watches the madness.
Magnus Hanson smith grinding a couple dollars into his pocket.

Friday, June 20, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Just a video that was up on Vitalskate.com awhile back has recently surfaced up on youtube.
If you havent seen it, here you go!
Friday, June 13, 2008

Flipping through the new concrete skateboarding magazine that arrived at the wearhouse today, who comes up large? Ryan Bonnell (ipath, organika, gold)!!!!! ryan comes through with a great 6 pager this issue. If you wanna know a dude with an amazing attitude, amazing tricks and just an overall great person give this man the time and read his shit! You're going to have to go and pick this one up to check it out though.
ps you young kids that are stressing over kickflips out there, just have a peek at this dude. You think he's stressin over missing one kickflip? NOPE!
The Underworld get tricks contest at the Railside skatepark in poco happened this lastweekend. Two of our boys came through!! Spencer Hamilton (expedition) came 6th and won $50, and Dustin Montie(dgk, gold, venture) came out in 3rd spot with $100. than both of these guys both came through in taking more money to the bank in the best trick contest.
There is a little video in the works as we speak, that will be posted as soon as it is done. So make sure you check back soon for that!
it seems you have to wait no longer for the video....Here it is!
Monday, June 2, 2008
Get Tricky
If you are in the Vancouver area, you should come out to Port Coquitlam's Railside skatepark on Sunday for a fun skate contest. This is the second year that were are hosting Get Tricks in Poco. We are giving cash prizes to the top skaters and have a bunch of product from RVCA, éS, Element, Alphanumeric, Crooks & Castle, Dragon, Thunder and Spitfire gear to give away. Watch last years contest video and get yourself to Railside.
If you are in the Vancouver area, you should come out to Port Coquitlam's Railside skatepark on Sunday for a fun skate contest. This is the second year that were are hosting Get Tricks in Poco. We are giving cash prizes to the top skaters and have a bunch of product from RVCA, éS, Element, Alphanumeric, Crooks & Castle, Dragon, Thunder and Spitfire gear to give away. Watch last years contest video and get yourself to Railside.
Get Tricky
If you are in the Vancouver area, you should come out to Port Coquitlam's Railside skatepark on Sunday for a fun skate contest. This is the second year that were are hosting Get Tricks in Poco. We are giving cash prizes to the top skaters and have a bunch of product from RVCA, éS, Element, Alphanumeric, Crooks & Castle, Dragon, Thunder and Spitfire gear to give away. Watch last years contest video and get yourself to Railside.
If you are in the Vancouver area, you should come out to Port Coquitlam's Railside skatepark on Sunday for a fun skate contest. This is the second year that were are hosting Get Tricks in Poco. We are giving cash prizes to the top skaters and have a bunch of product from RVCA, éS, Element, Alphanumeric, Crooks & Castle, Dragon, Thunder and Spitfire gear to give away. Watch last years contest video and get yourself to Railside.
a bit more of expedition
Heres another video from our trip down to seattle to meet up with the expedition team, before coming up to Vancouver.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Expedition at the plaza
After a heavy, heavy week of long day and nights of skating and having fun, the "skate with the expedition team" arrived on saturday. Unfortunately the guys didnt skate terribly much, being they were all super beat from street skating all week. But everyone got to meet some of their favorite pros, win some free gear and have a good time.
P.s. Ask Welsh about his game of skate with Wade if you get a chance..

All in all, the trip was a success! The team went home with lots of footage and photos throughout the trip. All the Canadian riders got to meet and hangout with their American counterparts for a week and everyone just got to have a lot of fun skating this past week. All the guys cant wait to come back to Vancouver as soon as they get their next possible chance. There was an afterparty at shine nightclub after the event so check back soon for a couple more photos of that.
Thanx to everyone who came out to the event and supported!!!!
Things got a little lost with all the choas going on throughout the week with the expedition team in town. Lots of long days skating tonnes of spots in and around Vancouver. Here are some of the photos that have been gathered up of some of the fun.

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