Thursday, March 19, 2009
Glencoe Hoggle
Heres a link to our east coaster Glencoe Hoggle doing his thing in the streets. Here is for your viewing pleasure.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Organika Skateboards newest video "Zach & Walker's Concrete Jungle" is now playing at The Kayo Corp website. Come check what everyone is talking about!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Well we have departed from our old and new friends down in San Diego. It was a sad day to leave the house that we started to get very accustomed to, but it had to be done. Back to reality really. Overall the trip was amazing, everyone skated super hard minus maybe one day off for a much needed break to let the muscles soften back up. Now we are back in Canada, its still cold unfortunately but spring is on its way which means back to business as per usual with our skating. We need to pass a huge thanks to John Lupfer, Paul Sewell, Walker Ryan, all the roommates of the house and all the amazing locals that helped us along our journeys down there!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Things are coming to an end here in San Diego! Its a sad time to leave all your new and old friends after spending a couple weeks down there. Things have been amazing, and the footy definatly got stacked up! Ryan heads back to Toronto tomorrow and Myself, Lee and Jarvis start our heavy drive back home tomorrow after dropping Ryan off at the airport. To Celebrate our last times we had a bbq with everyone in attendance lastnite! There will be a couple more photos to come of the trip home but this is pretty much the Vancouver to San Diego back to Vancouver treck back home!
The BBQ crew havin a footy pary
get kicked out of spots just like anywhere else you go
The paparrazi in full force
You want to know what a real burrito looks like?
Friday, March 6, 2009
The days keep coming and so do the tricks! We seriously havent had to hit the same spot twice down here. New spots daily and new tricks daily. we have one more weekend and a couple extra days before starting the trip for the homeland and duty free!
Lee feelin better after a much needed stop
Rylon smellin pretty for the spot
This spot look framiliar?
The boys waited 2 weeks to skate this spot. A little water wasnt gonna stop em
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
The past couple days have been a little bit slower as we finally took a day off to do some tourist shit and just relax as the soreness has really been starting to kick in for everyone. But today was back to business as per usual on the all day missions. We also got to welcome a couple more Canadians down to the SD area for the last leg of our trip. Photographer Rich Odam and little up and comer Hayden Kelly are joining us in the mission for the last week of skating in sunny California!..Check back within the next couple days for more updates!
can you guess whos territory we are invading?
The Canadian addition
Finally, a Smolik sighting after 2 weeks of already being here!
Everyone helps out, Lee and Jarvis getting behind the lenses
Sunday, March 1, 2009
san diego #5
Another couple days have passed, and another bunch of amazing spots have been hit! The Canucks are taking full advantage of this trip. We have been out 12 days in a row getting clip after clip!

welcome to our amazing school to skate
wait to see what went down on this guy
something serious went down on this tonite
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