S&J Sales announces new deal with Hoven Eyewear of California.
Hoven is a designer, manufacturer and marketer of high performance products, primarily eyewear and goggles. Born on the beaches of Southern California Hoven is rooted in the heritage of surfers, snowboarders, skateboarders and moto but extends far beyond into the fashion lifestyle markets of entertainment and music. With a retail price starting at under $60.00 cdn. Hoven will be leading the market in the Skate-snow-surf lifestyle stores very quickly. 2 Models of Snow Goggles $80.00 retail and under available for the upcoming season. Moto goggles and a great line up of fashion inspired styles.
Team: Corey Duffel, Jason Jesse, Scott Bourne, Occy, Timmy Curran, Shea Lopez, Archy, trigger Gumm, Stephen Duke, Robbie Sell and more.
Check out www.hovenvision.com or www.sjsales.com/hoven for a look.
For more info:
Steve Greenidge (Note: New Email Address sg@sjsales.com)
VP Sales & Marketing
S&J Sales Co.
(800) 267-6950
Direct Line: 905-420-5001
Ext: 101